MOving is the key![]() As soon as we think about being healthy and fit we think about sports, strength training, workouts, sweating and making an effort. Many times we torture our bodies to reach what we think is health and fitness. The key to a healthy productive mobile life is very simple. Just move. It is not the lack of exercise or the lack of training that makes you unfit, it is the lack of movement. Simple movement, walking, sitting and standing, squatting, jumping, running, etc. The average American sits for 13 hs a day. Europeans slightly less. Do you know what would happen to you body if you had to sit on the floor for 13 hs? We sit on chairs or couches. There is nothing inherently wrong with sitting. It is just that when sitting we don't move. Even if you get one of those fancy office tables that allow you to work standing up... they have not really made people healthier: You are still not moving if you are standing up by your desk. I recently read that you should do 20 squats for every hour you are sitting. Squatting is one of the most important movements we can do. If we did not have toilets we would be squatting at least once a day if you are a man and several more times if you are a woman. Squatting is the best position to give birth. In many parts of the world it is still the way people sit while cooking, eating or just resting. To reclaim the health and strength of our bodies it is not enough to hit the gym for 1hr every day after being sitting down for 12hs! Move Move Move.
AuthorLets move the way we were designed to! Archives
June 2019
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